Artikel Tugas Lingkungan Bisnis


                                           Scientific WORK ENVIRONMENT BUSINESS
                                                             "Studio Photography"



                                                          NAME: Azhar Aulia Rahman 
                                                          NIM: 15.12.8701 
                                                          Class: S1SICLASS: 06 

                                   STMIK AMIKOM YOGYAKARTAEVEN SEMESTER 
                                                     Academic Year 2015-2016


Making Company Studio Photography is a great business opportunity, so that it develops many schools and colleges to compete to save their memories. That means that here they need a photography studio To Capture photos of them the time of day.
With the capital money would not have been slowly Studio Photography The company will continue to develop from scratch. Hopefully by making these companies can produce the best image quality. And also to children intern in our studio.ISIFROM
DISCUSSIONWhat are the benefits of making the company Studio Photography?1. Can broaden the business environment.2. Can add jobs for kids who have a good photography skills.

Create a company Studio Photography Companies really not easy, with several promotions to schools, campuses with relatively cheap price, with a good finish and quality that will last for the next few years. Not only that, if we do not have their own printing equipment production costs will be very expensive.Company Studio Photography company should have creative ideas if not the theme that different from the others. Photography Studio company also must have the innovation to make things different for prospective buyers.
Companies must also be able to convince potential buyers to take pictures in the studio here. Because of the trust must be built. And flexible to prospective buyers.photographers equipment also must be complete, and should be able to make prospective buyers feel comfortable. If no buyer is not going to believe in us. And has a good design, therefore the company must have the creative and innovative workers.promotion

For the promotion of the company is very easy, by word of mouth, friends with friends, from brochures and on the sale because it is now the era of fast-paced digital and promotional information on the Internet was necessary to divide the Website address with the contents of the portfolio and testimonials from customers.Reference =

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